
Who is C?

Took me quite some time to realise what he'd said. What had just happened. And then I needed to figure out what to do. I hid in my room, let the tears come, the screams, the memories.. C is my great love. My only friend. My femme fatale. We grew up together, sharing everything - heartbreaks, favourite clothes and family troubles. She was my sister. She already had quite a few, but for me she was the only one. When we moved away, we wrote letters. Hundreds of them. I have saved them all, in three rusty boxes. They contain every thought, every laugh and every cry we have ever had. Together or in solitude. 

She struggles. She have the biggest heart, the most fair smile. She is weak in her mind, but strong in her fists. We've been through this before. I have had that call before. Because underneath the beauty lies something dark, something that carves out her soul, break her bones quietly from the inside. Something that she will never recover from. I know. For a long, long time I was the only one who did. We shared it. Like sisters. Then something pulled me out of the water, gave me the oxygen I needed to continue. Saved me from myself. But no one did the same for her. She just continued to drown, one day at the time. I was never enough. Though I yelled at her, stroke her hair and whispered softly in her ear, cried beside her hospital bed, picked her up from the floor and said that I was done - she never stopped. She wouldn't even consider it. There was never something else. Just that. 


  1. Tragic, but so beautiful too. x

  2. Is this, somehow, based on your personal story?

  3. i wish your posts would go on forver, you do create suspense and mystery and this is so very hard no matter whether its fictional or a journal.
    i can relate to her somehow as my body strangely regenerates but my mind runs in the opposite direction.
    i hope you are ok.


  4. If they ask me - do you make up stories? I couldn't possibly lie and tell them no, Because I do. Mostly when I lie in bed at night, shivering, not being able to fall asleep. Then I make up stories in my head, it has a way of calming me down and helping me to say goodnight. Does this have anything to do with my childhood memories, my parents, c, the boy, me in person? No, not really. So if you are asking whether C is really hospitalised, then yes - she is. No doubt about that. If you ask if I exist - then yes fucking yes, haven't been able to escape life quite yet.

  5. oh aurelie, i wish i could wrap you in a hug right now.

    je t'adore.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh my dear Aurelie, I didn't mean to offend you or something... I asked if this is based on your personal life for the reason that I, for one, became so attached on the story... I didn't finished my comment coz something came up to me and so posted it. I was speechless, my dear, with how delicate you chose your words... I was speechless with its beauty, and yes, with its sad ending... How I wish it was not based on your personal experiences or other people's for the reason that such hurt shouldn't be felt... more specially by girls as fragile as you or your sister.

    I'm sorry my love, if ever I offended you. I adore your words... And knowing that there exist such pain unbearable to others, I wish I could simply give you a hug right now.

    Oh btw, thanks for letting me know about this on my post so I could came back :)

    with all my heart,

  8. Fantastic writing, dearest. <3

  9. ♥Aurelie, thank you my sweet for the comment back. *deep breathe* I'll be careful with my words next time, though it doesn't really meant to offend. Love you. :)

  10. Oh Aurélie, when i said fiction, it was just a general thing, and it meant quite the opposite, thus your writing not being perceived as fictional (by me) and still being exciting like one of my all time favourite novels!

    (pls excuse my bland messages i am a little too exhausted right now)
    Much love,

  11. My dearest, no need of excuses, I love you all
