
some might call it love, I call it need

Velvet sky with tiny, shimmering spots above our heads. Calm night. No traffic, no sound. Just us. He walks upon the bridge parapet. Laughing. I laugh too, though my heart is beating faster. He's drunk, we both are. It's not the epic hour so why wouldn't we be. He might fall, I know he won't but he could. Half a bottle of bourbon in his hand. The last one lays a few feet behind us, you can see the broken pieces reflect the streetlight. He looks at me, smiles and lands on the pavement right in front of me. 

Don't worry love, I wouldn't leave you. Not now. 

He'd seen the panic in my eyes. Can't camouflage it with a faked smile. Can't disguise it with bourbon. Not when you're body shiver, when you're fear are so thick you can almost touch it with your fingertips and your thoughts are so loud they might as well end up in a mind bubble above your head. Oh yes I'm predictable. Still, if those skinny legs, the sharp irregular shoulders and warm honey breath disappeared.. I'd be nothing. Nothing at all. Call it love, I call it need. 


  1. you would always be something lovely to me

  2. I call it want.. and I want more as of right now.

    this thrilled me.

  3. You are a beautiful writer, beautiful and heartbreaking. x

  4. you write with a very unique style, and I think it's brilliant. I love how much you can say with a few words. I'm a new follower for certain.

  5. you know that i know this to be true
    but your words said it so perfect
    scripted like a film i would love to see, to be part of
