
Troubled while the spring arrived

The sun is forcing life to be easier. That is what everyone says, right? As soon as the light is around, we will all manage. And if we don't, we can't blame it on the regular winter depression. On the other hand, the green tempt us to drown our sorrows as the cliches says during all the spare time we can find. That should make it easier. Well, I have to admit that the balcony is inviting us to live the life more often now than it did just a few weeks ago. But the question is, does it solve our problems? Does it really hurt less? I think I can still feel the heart pounding in my chest, still feel awkward et mal placée..


  1. i suppose that the beauty of spring does help some, sometimes, breathing in the fresh warm air. when i don't know i usually end up on tumblr; i find looking at nature photographs a lovely distraction. that or i put on sad music and lie on the carpet so that i can stare out the windows.
    bisous chérie, xo

  2. the sun is such a liar Aurélie

  3. i love the way you write. x

  4. i thought i already left you a comment...
    i agree with mia, the sun is a liar.

  5. Just stopping in for a quick bonjour and introduction.

    I am Kassandra.

    I suppose I'll be making myself acquainted with your blog now, which is a very strange thing we do.
